“The Light of the Stars,” Cen Long

Spazio Eventi Managaner, Cannaregio, Venice
06.05 – 26.06.2022

“The Light of the Stars” presented the works of Cen Long at the Manganer Event Space, curated by Metra Lin. After exhibitions at the Church of the Knights of Malta and the Scala Contarini del Bovolo, Cen Long’s works inaugurated the Manganer Event Space, located near the lively Campo Ss. Apostoli.

Cen Long’s large canvases, solid in construction and free in brushwork, stood apart from official 20th-century Chinese art and the conceptualism of recent generations. His sculptural figures, engaging with the Tuscan Renaissance, conveyed a profound spirituality that, although not directly linked to Christianity, reflected its themes of expectation and enlightenment. The critic Francesca Brandes wrote: “They represent a humanity without historical connotations, journeying under a starry sky; fishermen, shepherds, a formidable Maternity.”

In her introductory essay for the exhibition, curator Metra Lin wrote: “Cen Long dedicated his life to capturing the essence of humanity, using stylistic methods closely aligned with real life to convey profound meanings. His work serves as a bridge for deep communication with the audience, expressing core aesthetic and moral values such as love, kindness, hope, and strength. Through his realistic and accessible style, Cen Long sought to create ‘guiding stars’ for the modern era, helping us find hope and peace amid the chaos of our times.”

Artist: Cen Long
Curator: Metra Lin
Organizer: Crux Art Foundation
Co-Organizer: Davide Federici

Preview image: Cen Long, “Starlight”, 2018

Image: Cen Long, “The Days of Wind”, 2019