The ANPI project “Sette Martiri Venezia–Mare Jonio” by Mediterranea aimed to secure funding to restart humanitarian activities with a new, more modern, and better-equipped vessel. The initiative by the Sette Martiri Section aimed to raise public awareness about Mediterranea’s activities by involving artists, photographers, graphic designers, illustrators, gallery owners, artisans, and creatives at the local, national, and international levels. They contributed their works to a fundraising campaign designed to financially support a “solidarity platform” that includes numerous civil and democratic organizations. The immediate goal is to fund the launch of a new ship.
Significant support for the initiative was secured even before the call for submissions was officially opened. Just to name a few: artists Vincenzo Eulisse, Antoni Muntadas, Stefano Grespi, Serena Nono, Silvestro Lodi, Alessandro Valeri, Franz Cimitan, Nicola Golea; photographers Luigi Ferrigno, Philippe Apatie, Roberto Bortali, René Seindal; among the art galleries and cultural production spaces, the International Center of Graphics, Galleria Michela Rizzo, and Tipografia Tintoretto, along with many others.
Their contributions, along with other donated works, were featured in a virtual exhibition.
During the opening period, weekly video conference sessions were held with writers, actors, musicians, and art critics who contributed content, keeping the dedicated project webpage highly engaging. Notable participants included Ottavia Piccolo, Gianni De Luigi, Il Frullatorio, and Michele Gazich.
Event conceived by: Roberta Purisiol and Davide Federici

Preview Image: ©2021 Altan/Quipos
Image: Work by Cencio Eulisse