Category: Press office and communication

  • “Surreal Dream,” Igor Skaletsky

    “Surreal Dream,” Igor Skaletsky

    Jewish Museum of Venice16.02 – 17.05.2020 The Press Office had the privilege of collaborating with the Jewish Museum of Venice for seven years, from 2018 to 2024. The opening of Igor Skaletsky’s exhibition at the Jewish Museum of Venice, which took place during the Purim festival, featured the artist presenting collages that reinterpret artistic history…

  • “Invisible Passages,” Cen Long

    “Invisible Passages,” Cen Long

    Scala Contarini del Bovolo, Venice10.03 – 14.04.2022 “Invisible Passages” was an exhibition featuring oil paintings by Cen Long, an artist renowned for his deep exploration of authentic representations of life and the world’s diverse realities. Accompanying his paintings were two 15th-century relics: a wooden sculpture of the Holy Mother and Angels, and the Renaissance masterpiece…

  • “Trame,” Nello Petrucci

    “Trame,” Nello Petrucci

    Spazio Thetis, Venice26.06.2021 At Spazio Thetis, Nello Petrucci presented “Trame,” an open-air sculpture inspired by the city of Venice. This piece invited visitors to explore reality from various perspectives, encouraging them to look beyond superficial appearances. “Trame,” Petrucci’s latest site-specific installation, has become part of Spazio Thetis’s esteemed permanent collection, thanks to a donation from…

  • “Last Whispers,” Lena Herzog

    “Last Whispers,” Lena Herzog

    Ca’ Foscari, Venice20.03 – 30.09.2022 “Last Whispers” was an initiative promoted by UNESCO for the safeguarding of indigenous languages, which are increasingly threatened with extinction. This project combined sounds and visual elements, merging ancient songs and oral traditions with images of nature, creating a space that connects the present with the past. During the “International…

  • “The Light of the Stars,” Cen Long

    “The Light of the Stars,” Cen Long

    Spazio Eventi Managaner, Cannaregio, Venice06.05 – 26.06.2022 “The Light of the Stars” presented the works of Cen Long at the Manganer Event Space, curated by Metra Lin. After exhibitions at the Church of the Knights of Malta and the Scala Contarini del Bovolo, Cen Long’s works inaugurated the Manganer Event Space, located near the lively…

  • “Man as a bird (images of journeys)”

    “Man as a bird (images of journeys)”

    Palazzo Soranzo Van Axel, Venice13.05 – 05.09.2017 The Press Office had the pleasure of collaborating on several projects with the Pushkin Museum in Moscow in 2017 and 2019. The Pushkin Museum in Moscow presented the exhibition “Man as Bird (Images of Journeys)” as part of the official parallel program of the 2017 Venice Biennale. The…